
How To Say You Rock In Smite

You shouldn't need to change much at all here. Of course, if you desire to swap an item out, become alee. Hey, you may even be able to improve this build.
Equally it is though, it's very useful.

Core items:

Always starting time with Guardian's Approval
Geb isn't clearing the waves so standing near your ADC as they clear the minions grants you xp and gilt.
Let your ADC get their stacks and save your abilities for enemy gods, should they approach (and they will)
You should be nigh your teammates as much every bit possible and so using this item as they clear minions is very beneficial (After on, you'll be sharing waves for your own do good and will sell the blessing)

Gauntlet of Thebes
This is the true support guardian's core particular. We start with an initial 275 health and xv HP5, and then the stacking starts. Every help on a minion gives you 1 physical and one magical protection. When you get 50 stacks, y'all have 50 physical and magical protections, merely for being near dying minions! Not only that, at fifty stacks y'all gain an aura that grants you and your allies inside 70 units 10 phys and magical protections. So for simply owning the item and sticking with allies, you become 275 HP, 15HP5 and l protections, while yous're giving your allies a free set of damage absorbers as long as they're nearby.

**Annotation on Gauntlet of Thebes**
Though I have said information technology's a core particular, you shouldn't always build it. It's extremely valuable in many games, only there are instances where it isn't quite so integral.
If yous're falling backside in lane early on and kills/assists are scarce, how are yous going to stack information technology quickly? If you feel similar you demand protections and health rather than edifice wellness and waiting for the protections to stack, don't take the gauntlet; sometimes getting Sovereignty volition be much more suited to what's happening (ie getting ganked frequently) or Heartward Amulet or Oni Hunter'south Garb if you have a severe magical threat.
Simply put, before you consider ownership or finishing Gauntlet of Thebes, look at the likelihood of stacking information technology and how helpful another detail could be. Yous can always go information technology 3rd or 4th if you want it, or fifty-fifty finish the item into Stone of Gaia instead every bit a late item.

Shoes of Focus
My choice over Traveler'southward Shoes due to the 250 mana and the actually useful CDR boost. Motility speed from Traveler's is nice for other Guardians only we're going for decent CDR (at least 20%) so we need the mana. Oh, and Roll Out gets you dorsum into lane more quickly and help rotations, then we don't really need the quicker boots.

If you're up against a heavy CC duo or they have DoT abilities, it'due south good to choose Reinforced Shoes instead and get your CDR from other items subsequently.

Every bit your enemy ADC is doing more damage than their support, your ain carry volition do good from your concrete protection aura and the HP5. It's likely your enemy jungler will be an assassin also, so more reason to commencement your auras with physical protections.
* You can choose this earlier Gauntlet of Thebes if your duo lane enemies are both concrete damage gods (I've seen this enough times to warrant mentioning it)

Heartward Amulet
If your enemy support is doing a lot of damage (nod to Ares, Ymir feel complimentary to option this up before Sovereignty
*Y'all tin pick this up earlier Gauntlet of Thebes if your duo lane enemy comp is a Guardian and a magical ADC like Freya or Sol

Those are your core items. I know, I know, iv core items. Non much room for changing things, but nosotros won't usually need to.
Side by side are your situational items. Add together these to your custom build page.
At the point of buying your 5th particular, you'll know who you're upward confronting, who's doing the most damage to the team and who's most probable to kill you and your allies. The items below are all worth because for the last 2 spots in your build.

Other Items:

Spirit Robe
ten% CDR, twoscore of each protection and a valuable choice if you lot're getting hit with CC often. Every 30 seconds, you lot can brush off an extra 15% off the damage whilst nether CC.
Combine this with Winged Blade for impairment mitigation and an escape.

Breastplate of Valor
Removed from item options. I don't see value in this on a Guardian whatever more than. You lot get a improve passive from Sovereignty and you'll become your CDR from Spirit Robe, Mantle and others. If mana is an issue, get mana pots early on and picket what you lot're doing with your abilities. Plus there are MP5 items in this listing so grab a couple if y'all desire enough of mana.

Genji's Baby-sit
Removed from listing. Oni Hunter's Garb is so much improve considering of the passive and CC reduction.

An alternative to the popular Bulwark of Promise. With 80 magical protection and 200 health, pick this is y'all're after some more magical defense and the enemy team accept healing gods or they're building lifesteal (regularly cheque the scoreboard to bank check what they're buying)
This is a very useful item - add it to your custom items screen ;-)

Hide of the Nemean Panthera leo
This one is bought when you're being focussed by hunters and assassins. If you lot're doing well, they might choose to build protection or HP shredders like Titan's Baneor Qin's Sais. Once more, check what enemies are building and counter-build accordingly.
Hide of the Nemean Lion gives the attacking hunter or assassin 25% of their damage dorsum and tin exist a solid deterrent. Information technology's too adept confronting gods with bones attack stims.

Winged Bract
Are yous getting hit by slows regularly? There are so many in the game right now and while not all pose a threat to Geb, if the enemy squad is capitalising on a well-timed wearisome and you lot'd rather not have the hassle, pick upwardly the bract. The health it gives will push y'all over 3000 HP if yous're not at that place already.

Relic Dagger
Health, movement speed and importantly for Geb, cooldown reduction. If you're needing more frequent access to your Magic Shell or any other relic, at that place'due south room for this detail.
*If, on the rarest of rare occasions, you discover yourself wanting this as well as Winged Blade y'all should sell your boots; you don't need all that move speed and the space can be used for a defensive particular

Midgardian Mail
Don't think of this as a selfish choice. Yes, you exercise get the benefit of the protection and the health, merely the passive isn't just for y'all. Picture your ADC or Mage bumping into a particularly hard-hitting enemy hunter or assassin. You lot manage to get in front of your marry and have the hits for them and Midgardian Mail procs, the assaulter is slowed for 2 seconds. This 2 seconds tin give your ally a window big enough to do some heavy harm with less coming back at them. Also, more selfishly, as Geb has an anti-crit function in his kit but aught to cease penetration, this can assistance.

Celestial Legion Helm
An interesting one here, and not i you see in every back up guide. It's not an aureola item but we'll take enough auras flying around that nosotros can be a bit selfish now.
It kinda works like this: After 5 seconds of taking no physical damage, you lot start stacking concrete protections. When you eventually take physical harm, the stacks absorb some or all of the impairment so disappear. Worth getting late game if you want some anti-hunter/assassin kit and don't fancy Hibernate of the Nemean Panthera leo

Pall of Discord
Geb's going to be in the action more at this point with the mana and health he's built up and so a 10% CDR is very nice. More protections as well with an impressive 60 of each.
A expert item to take if you're looking for more than defence and take a mixed enemy team.
And why not add some other fruity passive bonus - if someone takes your health beneath 30%, yous let out a shock wave stun non as well different to Cataclysm. Two ultimates? I think aye pls!

Stone of Gaia
This is a really nice one, not usually mentioned for Geb but I'm finding information technology an amazing addition when up against sure gods.
A whopping 400 Health? Check. MP5 and HP5? Check. So non just is Geb now harder to kill, he'll regen mana and his health will reappear at a disturbing rate. And there's more! The passive regens two% of your wellness every v seconds, so at this point, Geb can potentially take 3500 health which means he'd regen 70 hp every 5s - that's fourteen wellness per 2nd and I reckon that's pretty snazzy.
Oh and there's a 2d passive too - the reason y'all will desire this item:
Has Awilix been knocking y'all up? Khepri'due south pulling you lot effectually? Or has Fenrir shown a liking for running abroad with you? Nah m8 - our new passive turns knockups, grabs and pulls into even faster HP regen: 15% of your maximum Health over the next x seconds
*add - I found this works with Ares' ult too.
So if you have this AND Magi'south Cloak he'll commonly leave yous solitary towards late-game unless he's having success pulling y'all into his team.

A solid defensive utility selection if you have more than one Hunter, or Hunters and a Freya or Chronos:

Shogun's Kusari
Let'south start with 60 magical protections and x% cooldown. Not enough? Have 20% crowd control reduction and 20 MP5. That's nice, isn't it. But y'all desire a passive. You lot desire a passive that turns your hunter's and magical aa gods into gatling guns: enter the 20% attack speed for all allies in 70 units of you.
Your hunter volition exist able to forget an attack speed item and get for a power or crit ane instead, knowing they'll have the assail speed for free!
When I play hunters, I ever check if a guardian on my side has congenital this and if and so, i buy power and stick to them like glue.

Assault Items:

Removed. Don't build harm on Geb unless you're way ahead and want to meme.


Magic Shell
Though you can (and I sometimes) buy Meditation Cloak, I adopt Magic Shell as information technology acts like a 2nd Stone Shield whereby yous bandage it on an ally as they're almost to take lethal harm and they get, well.. a shield. Information technology doesn't need aiming as it covers all allies in shut proximity. I prefer this over the cloak because (correct me if I'm wrong) Meditation Cloak has its healing reduced by anti-heal items, which are common in season five. The upgrade to the trounce gives 2 stacks of block against basic attacks to all allies in range as well, which can be so useful later on, particularly if you lot have Relic Dagger

Blink Rune
This one depends entirely on how y'all want to play Geb
At that place's a lot to be said for Geb'southward Blink==>Ult combo and if you time it well (with your allies aware you're doing it), y'all can ready a squad assault. I suppose yous can use it to go somewhere else more than quickly if you lot really want to merely you'd by and large selection this upwards on Geb if y'all wanted to initiate.
*If you're not getting much response from team mates, perchance y'all don't put yourself in danger past blinking in, only to find your guys didn't follow you in.

Phantom Veil
For those Odin spears only, IMO.
Don't bother getting it just for Ymirs wall or Cabrakans thing; but endeavor and help out with your shield and some CC.

Horrific Keepsake
This would exist picked as your 2d relic if you're up confronting a particularly troublesome god edifice set on speed.
You can use the keepsake to slow them right downward and requite their target (your buddy) a chance.
Information technology's also very handy for slowing an escaping enemy for your allies to catch and delete.
*This 1 is groovy in a big team fight

Then that'due south my set of Geb items to choose from. I exercise detect I die a couple of times now and then but that's more often than not down to my ain decisions, pushing when I shouldn't, jumping into crowds to save my allies or when I'1000 non tough plenty yet etc. And (why am I telling you this?!) accidentally pressing my glimmer and diving into a tower and beingness blocked by minions and dying.
However I'm more than happy to take a death if it means keeping my more dangerous allies alive so they tin can end someone off.
Geb'south (unofficial) mantra: 'Trunk-blocking for my peeps and taking a fall for them is better than hanging around while I await for them to respawn'

If you notice this useful, allow me know, and if y'all tin can offering an comeback, please tell me.


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